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Tips to Lose Weight This Spring

>> Saturday, March 27, 2010

Over the holidays such as March Break and Easter, many people load up on carbohydrates.  Resulting in everyone being a little bit fatter.
And many of you probably did the same. So the press is on to work out and lose weight. It’s only a few months until spring and all that it entails (namely: bathing suits).

So here are a few tips to lose weight in the new year:
Set a fun fitness goal.
If you set a fun goal, you're more likely to want to get into shape.  Practicing to run a marathon in the spring, since it is on the way, it would provide you with something fun to do that will help in loosing weight, getting into shape, rather than an big weight-loss goal. And it’s more fun to get out and do something you want to do, than it is to sit in a gym counting reps over and over.
Revamp your eating habits
Throw out any leftovers from the holidays, Easter, or March Break. Loosing weight starts not only with exercise, but maintaining a healhty diet. Quit eating a 12-ounce steak with big scoops of mashed potatoes for dinner.  Eat whole-grain breads, whole-grain pastas and fiber-packed cereals. Stop eating processed foods. Eat smaller meals (a few hundred calories) every few hours, rather than enormous meals three times per day and a bunch of junky snacks in between. You can track your calories easily by counting the calories on most health foods.

Do cardiovascular exercise.
A rough estimate of your maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age. A more accurate maximum heart rate can be determined by a doctor with a stress test (which is recommended). So do a challenging activity (running, hiking, climbing, swimming, fast walks, etc) for a sustained time (20 to 45 minutes at least every other day) that raises your heart rate to 80% or so of its maximum. After doing cardio for 2 months, you will start to notice how much better you look.
Find activity partners.
Get your friends or siblings to work out along with you. It can be easier to stay focused if you’re active with people of a similar skill level. If you brisk-walk 4 miles, find a running partner who can walk 4 miles fast. Or: Find an instructor you like to teach you a sport that you enjoy, or have always wanted to try. 

The key in looking and feeling better, and maintaining healthy living and weight loss, is through exercise, healthy diet nutrition and being conscious of all these things. Good luck!


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